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A Web of Deceit - Book 5

A Web of Deceit - Book 5

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Fate, misfortune and opportunity entangle three rivals in a quick-paced suspense thriller.

CEO Suzanne Simpson fends off accusations of corporate money laundering on two continents as a global pandemic wreaks havoc on Multima Supermarkets.

Fugitive Howard Knight flees from the Caribbean to Asia, trying desperately to elude both an Interpol Red Notice and a dangerous criminal outfit called The Organization.

Fidelia Morales stakes her role as head of a powerful criminal element on an outrageous cyber scheme to steal millions from corporations around the globe.

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A Web of Deceit
Reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views (02/2021)

“A Web of Deceit” is the latest novel of intrigue by Gary D. McGugan. It’s a global thriller that pits three dynamic rivals in a jet-setting, exhilarating trek across five different continents where the risks can be fatal but the payouts oh-so-rewarding.

McGugan sets the pace with his three adversaries right from the start: the FBI arrests Suzanne Simpson, CEO of Multima Corporation, on vague charges of money laundering; Fidelia Morales asserts her power as the new head of The Organization, a world-wide crime syndicate; and Howard Knight is a fugitive on the run from both The Organization and Interpol.

It’s a race against time as a deadly global pandemic holds its own against anything mere mortals can inflict upon the world. Action-packed exploits through the financial world, the grocery industry, the global stock market exchanges, and the throes of organized crime give readers an in-depth look at the various sides of humanity even as the lure of power, wealth, and addiction take precedence over loyalty and integrity.

There is so much to like about “A Web of Deceit.” Perhaps most appealing to me is that two of the three lead characters are women – and not just any women, but strong, powerful, confident, self-assured women. Not everyone can pull off writing from the viewpoint of the opposite sex, but McGugan not only pulls it off – he owns it. He doesn’t coddle his female characters or rescue them – they earned their places in their respective organizations.

I flippantly thought to myself McGugan should include a trigger warning in the front of this novel: Males intimidated by successful females may be uncomfortable with the characters in this story (teehee). All of McGugan’s characters are skillfully crafted with authentic traits, both desirable and unpleasant, that draw readers in to invest in their outcomes, come what may.

Gary McGugan writes from a place of authority and his experience in the corporate world jumps off the pages, as does his love of travel, apparent from the exotic global settings in the story. The writing is superb, in both the entertaining and artistic aspects. It’s a joy and a pleasure to read such well-written work and every detail is spot-on. The pacing, the imagery, the sensations, the emotions – all align to present a story of the highest caliber. In the simplest of terms, it’s just pure entertainment reading one of Gary McGugan’s novels and I always enjoy settling in with his latest work because I know I am in for an amazing ride.

Murder and betrayal, high-tech cyber-crimes, good old-fashioned money laundering, romance, torture, and sex – there’s something for everyone in this high-speed thriller, and of the five novels I’ve read by Gary D. McGugan, A Web of Deceit is my favorite!


A Web of Deceit
Reviewed By Vincent Dublado for Readers’ Favorite

A Web of Deceit is a suspense thriller that does not go around in circles. Gary D. McGugan has created three characters in a plot filled with intrigue and deception. Suzanne Simpson has no idea that FBI agents will put her in cuffs on accusations of corporate money laundering. She must hold it together and prove her innocence.

At the same time, Fidelia Morales is taking the necessary steps to take over as the head of an organized crime group known as The Organization. Part of it is to secure Stan Tan’s support—the man who masterfully manages the cybercrime operations of The Organization in Asia.

Meanwhile, Howard Knight is trying to figure out what to do next after Fidelia drops him off on a sidewalk after a hit on crime boss Giancarlo Mareno. On the run, he charters a plane to the Caribbean to get in touch with his connections. These developments begin to lead Suzanne to a web of deceit perpetrated by brilliant people that she knows. 

As the main protagonist, Suzanne may appear as the stereotypical executive accused of a corporate crime, but this impression is gradually eradicated as she demonstrates depth in dealing with the crisis that she faces. Gary D. McGugan does not let her have the spotlight alone as it is a story of three people and how their lives come together to create a character-driven story.

The ending has a satisfying climax, and the way each chapter has a timestamp is a creative effect that heightens the pace. A Web of Deceit strikes a balance between character and information, which is lacking in many suspense thriller novels. It is a fast-paced, easy reading that will not disappoint fans of the genre.


A Web of Deceit
Reviewed By Christopher Anderson for Readers’ Favorite

In his aptly titled book, A Web of Deceit, Gary D McGugan introduces the reader to a masterful web of deceit as we meet Susan Simpson, the chief executive officer of a worldwide business empire, Multima Supermarkets. When she and the chief financial officer, Heather Strong, are arrested along with Multima financial services President Wilma Willingsworth and all three are charged with money laundering, the plot thickens. Alberto Ferer, the firm's legal counsel, and Jeb Kastigate’s law firm try to get to the bottom of these seemingly ridiculously outrageous charges.

The author brings in twists and turns as this fast-moving story introduces other characters that are involved such as the head of the world’s largest crime syndicate, Giancarlo Mareno, who is murdered by Fidelia Morales who takes over his position in the syndicate. Find out how well her connections are within the FBI and all the way up to the White House and how all this is connected to Susan Simpson.

Gary D McGugan writes in a way that is easily understood and believable in this exciting book. He introduces characters to the story that allows you, the reader, to form a mental picture of what is going on in each scene while we are flown off in private jets to different parts of the world where crimes are plotted and put into operation.

A story of how high-tech computer espionage and computer algorithms and worms are put in place to influence the world’s stock markets. As the book unfolds, you connect with the different characters and the emotions they feel such as shock, horror, fear, sorrow, sadness, mental anguish, physical pain, and desperation, all mixed in with the unknown when the Corona Virus (COVID 19) is becoming a pandemic. This all brings the book to vivid life.


A Web of Deceit
Reviewed by Norm Goldman of

Gary D. McGugan has set his riveting thriller, A Web of Deceit,in the early days of COVID-19.

As the narrative evolves, one of the protagonists, Suzanne Simpson, CEO of Multima Corporation, a multi-national company, is apprehended by the FBI and charged with money laundering.

The charges are thereafter mysteriously abandoned. And as we slowly discover, someone in or around the White House had been influential in her arrest.

This is not the sole issue that Suzanne and Multima will encounter. Multima becomes the victim of fraudulent supplier invoices, culminating in substantial monetary losses.

Europe’s central bank withholds approval from Multima from doing business in Europe, reasoning that these billings were designed to unjustifiably launder the firm’s money offshore. The company further runs into complications with the Toronto Stock Exchange. It is pursuing a listing that would establish it the third-largest traded company in Canada.

And if that is not abundant to worry about, a couple of employees of the company meet disastrous endings costing them their lives.

While this part of the yarn develops, McGugan’s second protagonist, Fidelia Morales, seizes control of a villainous criminal entity known as The Organization after brutally slaying its chief honcho, Giancarlo Moreno.

Witnessing the murder is a criminal, Howard Knight, who had been snatched in Austria by Moreno’s goons. They whipped him to a pulp and transported him back to Moreno’s estate in Martinique, where the homicide unfolded.

Howard was on the run from The Organization after turning into an informant against them. He also looted a sizable sum of money from them. Moreover, he is the target of an Interpol Red Notice for his arrest.

After murdering Moreno, Fidelia asks Howard to join her in The Organization, but he rejects the offer and takes his chances. He chooses to live free of The Organization.

With the onset of the coronavirus spreading, Howard frustrates his pursuers and heads directly towards Cambodia, a country the developing virus had already infected.

Even though she does not trust Howard, Fidelia doesn’t press the issue and informs him he is free at last of The Organization. In the back of her mind, she aims to employ his services in the future, which, as we learn, develops into part of a convoluted plot.

After reinforcing her grip on The Organization, Fidelia recognizes that diverse criminal activities than the traditional kinds must be pursued to flourish during the pandemic.

This would encompass cyber technology. She sees an opportunity to siphon off billions of dollars from companies’ weak surveillance structures. Her new revenues base would involve banks, governments, and corporations such as Multima. To achieve her objective, she brings together a brilliant squad of technological experts.

After meticulous planning, Fidelia is in for quite a jolt when her project is in peril when she discovers that someone is stealing money from The Organization. It is a “no-no” when you have gangsters embezzling other gangsters!

You can well imagine what kind of retribution is exacted if the offenders are captured.

During the tale, McGugan fills his readers in on the broad and diverging landscapes of the lives of the two protagonists, and how their paths cross.

The above is the periphery of the narrative and is merely an inkling of the plot twists and dizzying journey. Believe me, there is plenty here to chomp on.

Once again, McGugan has crafted a bold, intriguing, and ultimately terrifying cerebral convoluted plot. And with an unfaltering hand, he effectively steers his readers to an unforeseen grand finale. He pulls out all the stops, repeatedly blindsiding his readers with shifts in the narrative and surprising turns of events.

Readers will become enmeshed in this carefully calibrated spine-chiller. And to keep score as to who's who in the novel, there is a list of the principal characters in Multima Corporation, Law Enforcement and The Organization on the first page.


A Web of Deceit
Reviewed by Diane Lunsford for Feathered Quill

Gary D. McGugan delivers the next exceptional read in his latest Multima thriller series, A Web of Deceit.

It’s January 2020 in Fort Myers, Florida and Multima Corporation’s CEO, Suzanne Simpson, is the epitome of ‘no rest for the weary.’ As she wraps up her review of the previous day’s sales results for Multima Supermarkets, she’s interrupted by a light knock at her door. Executive Assistant Eileen tenuously announces there are two FBI agents in the lobby asking to meet with Ms. Simpson.

Not sure what the FBI could possibly want with her, she nods her consent to Eileen to show the visitors in. Just like a scene from Dragnet, the senior officer flashes a badge, and introduces himself as Agent Burke. Before Suzanne has a chance to inquire as to the nature of their business, Burke wastes no time in informing her they’re acting on a warrant for her immediate arrest by the Department of Justice on five separate charges under Section 1956 of The Money Laundering Control Act of 1986.

Fortunate for Suzanne, her assistant is capable of more than serving coffee and typing memos and had the foresight to contact Alberto Ferrer, corporate counsel as he burst through the door not a moment too soon.

Meanwhile The Organization is holding some of the cards in this latest charade that Multima Corporation is being sucked into. At the same time Suzanne is about to be arrested, Fidelia Morales is dancing in the heady euphoria of her newly (and self-appointed) role as boss of the most powerful organized crime unit in the world.

About to jet off from Aime Cesaire International Airport, Martinique, she reflects momentarily on her judgment. With crime boss Giancarlo Mareno out of the way for good, she knew he would have never let Howard Knight live. Who cares? Giancarlo is dead and there’s a new Sherriff in town. Besides, Howard won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. After he wounded Giancarlo with a first shot from a hidden weapon, Fidelia wasted no time in finishing off the boss with three shots from her Smith & Wesson 460XVR.

She offered Howard a place in her new Organization, but he declined. For now, she’d walk away and give him that false sense of security that he was ‘free’ at last. She has another job for him...soon. For now, let him think he is done with The Organization.

I’ve had the pleasure of reading the first three titles in this series (Three Weeks Less a Day, The Multima Scheme, and Unrelenting Peril). A Web of Deceit is the fifth book in the series, and I commend Gary McGugan on his outstanding ability to craft each novel so that it can stand on its own merits if one were to read a title in this series out of sequence.

However, I highly recommend reading them all. The thrill, adventure and energy that jumps off each page is exhilarating. In the preface to this current work, there is a very useful organizational chart that maps out the roles that Multima Corporate plays, Law Enforcement, key Organization players and the ‘Freelancers.’ The latter group are former employees of Multima Corporation.

This is a complex read in terms of the depth of detail, but the pace is at warp speed and McGugan does a phenomenal job of keeping his audience engaged from the onset to the bitter end in this ongoing saga of justice versus injustice. I was thrilled when asked to read and review this title as I’ve been a fan of this series since the first book.

Well done Mr. McGugan. I cannot wait to read what happens in the next installment. Surely, there will be another.

Quill says: It’s wheels up once again! Multima Corporation has taken flight into another epic battle you don’t want to miss.


A Web of Deceit
Reviewed by Jon Michael Miller for Readers’ Favorite

A Web of Deceit by Gary D. McGugan is a high-paced international suspense thriller set during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It will also keep your mind alert with all its twists and turns and multiple, complex, well-drawn characters.

As a matter of fact, Mr. McGugun is kind and prescient enough to provide us with an introductory chart listing all the players re the organizations they represent. The groups are threefold: Multima Corporation, a conglomerate of food corporations; The Organization, an international crime endeavor; and various global law enforcement bodies.

And the two protagonists who face off are the straight-shooting Suzanne Simson of the first group, and the sexy Fidella Morales, head of the crime syndicate. Finally, a subterranean player is a deadly virus.

The narrative gets you on the edge of your seat right away with Suzanne’s mysterious arrest for money-laundering and with the brutal assassination of Fidella’s European competitor. Witness to the murder is another intriguing character, Howard Knight, who must find his way from the crime scene in Martinique to Canada and points Oriental. He fits into Mr. McGugun’s “freelancer” category, and his role will surprise you.

The whole book is a series of almost unrelenting surprises, and everyone uses digital technology and money markets to win this potentially world-wrecking competition.

These are high-end players in a high-end novel of intrigue, violence, money, and sex all in worldwide settings. It’s hard to put down as it unfolds step by step and keeps you turning the pages.


A Web of Deceit
Reviewed By Susan Sewell for Readers’ Favorite

Right as the pandemic is starting to spread across the globe, the leader of a worldwide criminal organization is murdered, and his replacement is taking advantage of cyber networks to bilk banks and corporations in the suspenseful thriller, A Web of Deceit by Gary D. McGugan. Fidelia Morales has a brilliant criminal mind.
Murdering Giancarlo Mareno, her boss, is just the beginning.

Howard Knight is Fidelia's former lover and complicit in Giancarlo's death. Howard doesn't want to work for the Organization, and he travels to Saigon to hide. Wendal Randall is a brilliant cyber hacker that helped Fidelia set her plans to overthrow Giancarlo in motion.

Suzanne Simpson is the head of a large corporation left to her by her father. Recently, a powerful person with ties to The White House has set the FBI on Suzanne's company and had her and her colleagues arrested for corporate money laundering. With a worldwide pandemic taking place, these four individuals fight for their professional positions and reputations while taking their career trajectories to a whole new level. But with Fidelia masterminding their lives from behind the scenes, will any of them survive?

Including conspiracy and murder, A Web of Deceit by Gary D. McGugan is an exciting crime thriller. The story is broken up into various points of view, letting the reader observe each character's experience.

The author, Mr. McGugan, incorporates some fascinating business aspects that coincide effectively with the commercial impact the Covid pandemic brought to the corporate world. The criminal and international elements combined with intrigue and violence create an intense and dramatic storyline. It is a tale filled with deception and murder that will entertain fans of suspense and crime thrillers.

With scenes containing violence, sexual encounters, and strong language, the story is appropriate for a more mature reader.


A Web of Deceit
Reviewed By Asher Syed for Readers’ Favorite

A Web of Deceit by Gary D. McGugan is a suspense novel that follows three individuals within arm's-length of each other in a convergence of events, notwithstanding a coronavirus pandemic that sweeps the globe.

The book begins with questioning between Multima Corporation's CEO Suzanne Simpson and the FBI, a shock arrest that leaves her shaky as share prices tumble. Also in a state of decline is Howard Knight, who hangs on to the hope that the new head of The Organization, a cartel he'd joined as a legacy right out of college, will make good on a promise to get him off the radar of The Organization, as well as a second organization, The International Criminal Police. That new head is Fidelia Morales who grasps the position of defacto Capomandamento in a way that attaches Suzanne and Howard to her marionette strings.

A Web of Deceit is a well-crafted story that allows globe-hopping for the armchair tourist in their own pandemic, and a tight string of plots for readers who expect a bit more.

Gary D. McGugan delivers on both fronts with a read that is clean and easy to follow, with some nice human elements that make the characters easier to connect to, even if we don't fall in love with them. I really liked Howard, especially as his backstory begins to fill itself in. He's experienced loss and has plenty of regrets, and as he hides in low-key Asian locales he has more than enough time to simmer in them.

As a woman fighting for her professional life and her future freedom, Suzanne ticks all of the boxes, whereas Fidelia initially comes off a little caricaturish. She's a woman who takes some time to grow on a reader, even with flashy pantsuits and kitten heels. Unsurprisingly, I enjoyed her page time more when she's talking to Howard, who wants nothing more than to unhitch his old wagon from her shooting star.

Highly recommended.

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