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A Slippery Shadow - Book 6

A Slippery Shadow - Book 6

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Snatched from her private jet, crime-boss Fidelia Morales barely escapes with her life. Now she wants revenge. But her gang of criminals is thrown into chaos as dozens of key operatives suddenly disappear.

Howard Knight—Fidelia’s former lover and accomplice in her latest heist—walks free from the same plane only to flee in a desperate quest to escape The Organization. He too is hounded by menacing encounters. 

Both become entangled with massive Multima Corporation led by Suzanne Simpson. Amid a global pandemic, this powerful CEO scrambles to fill crucial executive roles while dealing with bizarre threats and mysterious interferences on three continents. All seem connected and threaten her empire.

With breath-taking reach and bewildering influence, is it possible an unseen and elusive Shadow can pull strings to manipulate people, companies, criminal organizations and governments?

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A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views
“A Slippery Shadow” is the latest international thriller by Gary D. McGugan. This story picks up where his previous novel, “A Web of Deceit” leaves off, and is a treacherous tale of mystery, mayhem and betrayal as a covert mastermind wreaks havoc across the globe at the highest levels of power. Nobody writes international intrigue like Gary D. McGugan, so I’m always beyond excited when I learn of an upcoming release.
In this story, Fidelia Morales, Crime Boss of The Organization, faces a fight for her life when she’s abducted from her private jet, but that’s not her only dilemma. Her control of The Organization is precarious, with the FBI rounding up all her minions, and a rogue country boss undermining her authority while she’s MIA. Suzanne Simpson, CEO of Multima Corporation, fights for the very soul of her empire as bombings, international politics, executive vacancies and public opinion ravage her Supermarkets and Financial Services divisions. Howard Knight, a man with ties to both The Organization and Multima Corporation, though on the same plane with Fidelia, simply walks away, the abductors not even feigning interest in him. Howard isn’t off the hook either, though, as he soon finds himself on the run. But who is he running from? The FBI or The Organization? Or someone else? The three adversaries find themselves entangled in another web of deceit; this time orchestrated by an entity known only as The Shadow.
I’ve read all of Gary D. McGugan’s novels and I honestly can’t get enough. If you’ve read any of my other reviews, you know it’s the characters that keep me glued to the pages. McGugan writes thoroughly convincing characters that break out of the confines of the 2-dimensional pages and come to life with staggering realism - charms, flaws, and all. The addition of this Shadow figure is a brilliant nemesis to add to the angst of the main characters. Mysteriously beyond reach, and always one step ahead, he (or she) is the key pain point for our high-powered leaders, creating a cloak-and-dagger-ish backdrop and an unexpected opponent for our three rivals.
Now, I can’t write about McGugan’s characters without mentioning the women he’s so deftly created, successfully fashioning high caliber characters of strength in Suzanne Simpson and Fidelia Morales. In “A Slippery Shadow” he peels back another layer for readers to discover as he allows their vulnerabilities to rise briefly to the surface—but only briefly, before they pull themselves together behind their confident exteriors, aptly demonstrating that no matter what life or love throws at them, these ladies will not be defeated!
Complementing the amazing characters in the story is a narrative rich with well-planned astonishing plot twists you will not see coming. I was scurrying to keep up as time and again, McGugan goes one way when you think he’s going to go another. After reading all his novels, I should be fully prepared for his signature twists, but he gets me every single time! The deep betrayal of more than one key player left me completely stunned in “A Slippery Shadow.” I can’t say more, other than these actions open up exciting possibilities for further entertainment in future stories.
No novel of intrigue by Gary D. McGugan would be complete without mention of the breathtaking views he incorporates as he takes readers all over the world, highlighting multiple locales such as Singapore, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Germany, Uruguay, France, Spain and the US and Canada. McGugan brings the world to his readers from the perspective of his own adventures as a world traveler. Keeping it real, with lockdowns, restricted travel and all the upheaval resulting from the global pandemic, McGugan’s crafty characters still find ways to exert their power and jet-set all over the world, immersing readers in blanketed layers of clandestine adventure.
The only thing left to say is that I highly recommend all of Gary D. McGugan’s books. Though all the stories stand nicely on their own, please do yourself a favor and start at the beginning. The road from the first novel, “Three Weeks Less a Day” to his latest release, “A Slippery Shadow” is an incredible journey. If you like stories involving world travel, corporate intrigue, organized crime, politics, and real-world issues with amazing characters, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more captivating set of stories.


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed By: Amy Lignor for Feathered Quill

It always sends a shot of excitement through my veins when I realize that Howard Knight is back on the scene. I mean, this is the sixth book of author Gary McGugan’s incredible suspense series and, take it from me, the action, thrills and level of espionage has not lessened one tiny bit since Three Weeks Less a Day arrived.

Beginning in Singapore, readers (new and old) will meet up with Fidelia Morales, a woman who seized control of The Organization just recently and still has to worry about literally everything. (After all, any “company” by this name is always up to no good, right?) Well, she’s just come to Singapore from
Sydney, Australia. Along with her on the private jet is Howard Knight, her former lover, as well as a young IT expert loaned to her by the ‘boss’ in Singapore known as Stan Lee. This young IT guy was in charge of performing stock transactions the night before that garnered Fidelia several hundred million dollars.

Stan is a man they’re now headed to meet in order to begin yet
another illegal adventure. But out the window of the jet comes a group of vehicles and those who look like Singapore officers who board the plane and ask for immigration documentation. Now, as a woman who spent thirty years of her life recruiting women for the escort service, Fidelia is already shaking, wondering what’s about to go wrong. As they read quickly through the men’s information, Howard and the worker are let go right away.

Unfortunately for Fidelia, her paranoid gut instinct turns out to be correct as she’s taken off the plane and ends up arrested for a crime committed in Italy—charges brought against her by the Italian government, the Carabinieri.

The same day, in Florida, a stock market/company crash of monumental proportions occurs. Suzanne Simpson and her V.P. of Corporate and Investor Affairs, Edward Hadley, are worried beyond belief over the fact that Multima Corporation’s share price has completely collapsed since the opening bell. The
reason for this is because one of their employees committed suicide and the story hit the press before anyone had the chance to curb, stop, or hide the data from the now scared investors who are scrambling to get out of the sinking
ship as fast as possible. With Suzanne calling James Fitzgerald, a man who has nine months left with the company until retirement, she gains – for a highprice – someone who will take over the vacant position this suicide victim left behind.

But even though Suzanne’s personal holdings have lost over a billion dollars, as well as her fellow investors who are watching their world crumble, they’re more than happy to pay James to plug the gushing holes of the Multima dam before it bursts completely.

As Suzanne and her group get together to plan their own trek that will involve some off-handed work in order to survive, crime-boss Fidelia Morales works to escape a lifetime of jail or certain death in order to take her revenge out on those who want her unseated as the boss in any way possible.

But as key operatives suddenly disappear, the criminals sink into a world of chaos where no one quite knows who’s good, who’s bad, or who will be the end of them all.  Howard Knight, as an accomplice in Fidelia’s latest heist, sees a door to freedom and walks through it to return to Canada. However, this new
escapade in Singapore is not going to leave him alone, which puts his chance of achieving permanent freedom at risk.

Once again, Knight is a powerful James Bond-like character when it comes to charisma and strength. His mind is a steady one, but the ghosts and girlfriends of his past place him in the line of fire on a continuous basis. From menacing encounters to a litany of criminal organizations, governments, and people set out to save themselves, the author excitingly explores the thought that there
could just be a “shadow” who’s working to manipulate the entire cast of characters in order to end the game their own way.

Quill says: This rich, vibrant tale offers all a reader could possibly want, and more, from an edge-of-your-seat thriller!


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed By Rabia Tanveer for Readers Favorite

A Slippery Shadow by Gary D. McGugan is the perfect suspense novel with a solid plot that commands the attention of readers. 

Fidelia Morales, the crime boss of a gang, barely made it out alive when she was ambushed in her private jet. Howard Knight, her accomplice, was just lucky enough to get away from the same plane. However, neither of them was safe. Someone or some people were hounding each of their steps. Fidelia and Howard had no idea that they were not the only ones in trouble.

Suzanne Simpson, a powerful businesswoman, was also in huge trouble and seemed to have caught the attention of a stranger who plays threatening, dark, and dangerous games with all three of them. Someone was pulling the strings and they had no idea who was behind their misfortune. Can Suzanne, Howard, and Fidelia figure out who the person is? Could they fight the strange nemesis before it was too late?

You don’t come across suspense novels like A Slippery Shadow a lot these days. Author Gary D. McGugan created the perfect atmosphere for suspense to grow and become an integral part of the story. The antagonist was very hard to decipher, and the mystery behind the antagonist truly surprised me. The strength of this novel can be found in its character development, narrative, and descriptions.

The author gave nothing away when he was writing the descriptive paragraphs. He gave clues, he allowed the readers an insight into the mind of the antagonist, and yet we had no idea what the antagonist was capable of until the end. Fidelia was a street-smart and incredibly brave woman. She was my favorite because she was strong, human, and intelligent. Even though she wasn’t a good person, I could not help but root for her.

The author did a fantastic job of developing three very different yet relatable characters who drove the story forward and made it interesting. Any reader who likes suspense, fast-paced action, and intensity would love this novel.


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed by Natalie Soine for Readers' Favorite

A Slippery Shadow by Gary D. McGugan begins in Singapore on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Two months since crime-boss Fidelia Morales seized control of The Organization.

Her former lover Howard Knight was preparing to leave The Organization permanently but found himself in danger from unknown felons. Fidelia is arrested for murder from her private jet and her operation is thrown into disarray. During this time, Suzanne Simpson, CEO of Multima Corporation Supermarkets, finds that the share price had collapsed in a terrifying freefall, right from the stock market’s opening bell that morning, followed by a spate of bombings at the supermarkets belonging to Multima. These two powerful women hire their own investigative teams to find out who is putting their lives and corporations at risk. Could it be that The Shadow’s influence stretches across continents?

What an incredible story. Exciting, suspenseful, and thought-provoking, A Slippery Shadow by Gary D. McGugan is one of the best stories I have ever read.

The numerous characters with their different personalities keep the story interesting. Gary does a fantastic job of describing the various scenes and locations around the world, making it easy for the reader to form a visual of the many places and events that take place. I especially enjoyed the way Gary uses dialogue to carry the story forward without giving away too many secrets. The story is filled with twists, turns, and surprises, making this novel a page-turner from start to end. All-round, a great novel highly recommended to all adults.


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed by Book Excellence

In a world of crime bosses, the stakes are high and the consequences far-reaching. When a hidden villain begins tightening the noose of a plan years in the making, Fidelia Morales and Suzanne Simpson must get to the bottom of the strange occurrences in their respective businesses in A Slippery Shadow, by Gary D. McGugan.

One would think Fidelia Morales, leader of The Organization, an extensive network of individuals specializing in a wide range of skills, would have no trouble getting out of a scrape with authorities, but after being arrested on murder charges in Singapore, she finds that her expert skills in seduction may be more useful than her law degree from Columbia in preventing her extradition to Italy.

Howard Knight, Fidelia’s former lover, and reluctant collaborator, ends up waiting at the house of Stan Tan, the Singaporean crime boss who doubles as an IT expert. Tan keeps Howard in the dark, oblivious to Fidelia’s plight. When suspicion sets in, Howard starts scheming.

Meanwhile, Mulitima Corporation is in dire straits when share prices tank, forcing Suzanne Simpson, head of Multima, to scramble for creative solutions amid an uncertain corporate world of ever-shifting Covid-19 restrictions, but bombs, kidnappings, and a billionaire’s missing body parts weren’t in her job description, and it’ll take more than what’s on her resume to uncover the truth.

A Slippery Shadow’s extensive, multinational cast comes on strong and never slows down. With intrigue and tension soaking every chapter, the plot culminates in a breathtakingly complex finale. Lithuania, Singapore, Russia, Uruguay, Vietnam. The world's a stage. Friends stand in the shadows and enemies lurk in the light. Nothing is what it seems in Gary D. McGugan’s latest thriller. When everyone casts a shadow, it’s hard to find the one shadow you’re looking for.


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed by Jennifer Ibiam for Readers' Favorite

While the COVID pandemic raged worldwide, more chaos brewed in the background. Fidelia Morales, crime boss and head of The Organization, landed her private aircraft in Singapore to a hostile welcome and brief imprisonment.

A supposed ally had double-crossed her on his turf, and she wanted revenge. Her associate, Howard Knight, wanted out of The Organization. So as Fidelia languished, he made his escape and applied extreme measures to avoid discovery. In the middle of all this, the head of Multima Corporation, Suzanne Simpson, faced the worst time in business. Someone or an organization was out to cripple her conglomerate, and she would not go down without a fight. Schemes, manipulations, and betrayals formed a link among these three powerful entities in A Slippery Shadow by Gary D. McGugan.

A Slippery Shadow by Gary D. McGugan was an astonishing three-way story that merged to form a satisfying whole. I enjoyed everything about this novel, from the unique plot to the excellent storyline and character development. Gary also employed stylish writing that hooked me so much that I didn't want to miss anything.

The author was so meticulous in his narration that the events felt realistic. I could guess that he'd been at the helm of affairs in many global corporations. A Slippery Shadow presented formidable characters and a thick web of deceit so that I couldn't identify the villain. Suzanne was a victim. Yet I admired her tenacity and knack for logical thinking. I can't wait to see what happens with Stefan, Michelle, Jean-Louis, and even James because I don't trust him. Thank you for a beautiful book, Gary.


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views

“A Slippery Shadow,” by Gary D. McGugan, is a riveting revenge thriller. Fidelia Morales, is a crime boss taken forcefully from her private jet. After escaping this close call with death, she’s a lady with payback on her mind, but her Organization is now in a state of disruption as several of her prime operatives disappear without a trace. Fidelia’s ex-lover and recent cohort Howard Knight, leaves the same aircraft untouched, and makes a mad attempt to leave the Organization, but finds it isn’t so easy shaking off threats that follow him. Meanwhile Multima Corporation’s CEO, Suzanne Simpson, hurries to replace key roles as she handles strange threats and interruptions that span three continents. It appears to be a concerted effort to bring her glorious kingdom down. The scope of what’s going on seems almost incomprehensible, but all too real. Could the mysterious Shadow actually be the puppet master behind global governments, crime syndicates, corporations, and individuals?
McGugan brings his top-tier writing skills to this powerful crime drama full of conspiracy, mystery, and intrigue. He doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to bringing the reader immediately into the plot. The story opens on Fidelia’s jet, and the descriptions of the action taking place are crisp and clean, each word and phrase deliberately chosen to drive you through each scene. I like that the author has drawn strong characters that can handle such a bold plotline.
As you read, you feel that you are in good hands with McGugan and get the idea he really loves writing this kind of novel. The dialogue moves the novel along at an even, enjoyable pace, and you never feel bogged down or confused, just mystified in all the right places. McGugan’s efficient, sparse style feeds well into the tense scenes and conversations. At times, you wonder what’s really going on, but you’re never really confused. Instead, you are as caught up in the intrigue as the characters are.
I like that Fidelia and Howard are former lovers, so they have this dynamic to play off of. The conflicts seems realistic, the drama and emotion honestly earned. Though the plot is of a grand scale, this author handles it with aplomb, giving you the sense that this high-stakes drama could jump off the page and onto a movie screen. Though the author’s writing has a broad approach, he brings you up close and personal with the characters, by way of dialogue, point of view, thoughts, opinions, and choices.
He also acquaints the reader with setting and atmosphere with his wonderful use of descriptions, from buttered English muffins to carafes of steaming hot coffee. The supporting characters add spice and variety to the story, like Stan Tan. For a compelling dive into the world of criminal conspiracy and intrigue, you don’t want to miss “A Slippery Shadow”, by Gary D. McGugan.


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed By Pikasho Deka for Readers Favorite

A Slippery Shadow is a crime drama thriller written by Gary D. McGugan. Head of the global crime syndicate The Organization, Fidelia Morales finds herself on the wrong end of local authorities in Singapore while trying to conduct business with nefarious local mafia boss Stan Tan.

Her problems become further complicated when key members of The Organization are arrested by the FBI. Additionally, her former lover Howard Knight's attempts to leave The Organization put him in the FBI's clutches, who use him for their own interests. Meanwhile, Multima Corporation, led by Suzanne Simpson, comes under attack through multiple bombings in their stores. Fidelia realizes that someone is trying to blame the bombings and the kidnappings on The Organization. Can she decipher the identity of the mysterious Shadow?

Filled with suspense, mystery, and intrigue, A Slippery Shadow keeps you hooked throughout the pages with an entertaining plot and twists and turns you never see coming. Author Gary D. McGugan maneuvers an intricate story spanning multiple continents and involving international crime syndicates, corrupt governments, and powerful corporations that at times might threaten to overwhelm you, only to come together in the end to form the perfect completed jigsaw puzzle.

McGugan's writing is exemplary, and the narrative feels more like a Hollywood blockbuster than a conventional crime novel. Despite being part of a larger ongoing series, A Slippery Shadow also functions as a standalone novel. The primary plotline resolves itself within the book. I had an absolute blast reading it. Recommended to fans of epic crime sagas.


A Slippery Shadow
Reviewed by Rolanda Lyles For Readers Favorite

The massive Multima Corporation led by Suzanne Simpson has recently had attacks and mysterious bombings at a couple of their store locations. Simpson and her associates are desperate to find who is behind the bombings and fear more attacks and retaliation.

Fidelia Morales, a crime boss for The Organization, has also been detained and barely escapes with her life. Now she wants revenge. But her gang of criminals is thrown into chaos as dozens of operatives mysteriously disappear. In the meantime, Howard Knight—Fidelia’s former lover and accomplice—flees in a desperate attempt to escape The Organization. He becomes an informant for the FBI, giving information to be in the witness protection program.

Amid the chaos and a global pandemic, Suzanne Simpson scrambles to fill crucial executive roles while dealing with bizarre threats and mysterious interferences on three continents. Everyone speaks of the elusive Shadow who seems to be calling the shots from all ends. Who is The Shadow and what are their plans?

Gary D. McGugan's A Slippery Shadow is a fast-paced, action-filled story that is sure to keep you glued to the pages until the very end! A story that is full of twists and turns with surprises you never saw coming. I enjoyed the way McGugan had each character personalized with the way they spoke and behaved.

The characters were very believable. The writing was very intense and there was never a dull moment in the story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I still am curious as to who The Shadow is, and hopefully, Gary will write a sequel later that reveals his identity. Gary D. McGugan's A Slippery Shadow is definitely a must-read, and I look forward to enjoying more of his writing in the future.

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