Reviews - The Multima Scheme

Lisa - Loved the book, builds on the first one in the series, Three Weeks Less A Day (which I also enjoyed!). This one is fast-paced and held my interest throughout the story. It is a business based thriller and with Gary's in-depth experience in business around the world that makes the plot even more interesting to read. I recommend it highly!


Krista  - I really enjoyed Three Weeks Less a Day and eagerly waited for The Multima Scheme's release. Gary D. McGugan did not disappoint. The Multima Scheme keeps you interested and wanting to read more. I loved the quick pace, the characters and of course, the story itself. It's a book you can immerse yourself into and get lost in the story or sneak in a chapter or two when you are short on time.


Dan - Great follow up to Three Weeks Less a Day. From page one it is an intense page turner. Spread over multiple locations it keeps the reader engaged the whole way, with plenty of twists and turns.


Cheryl - I was so excited to read The Multima Scheme as a follow up to Gary D. McGugan's novel Three Weeks Less a Day. The book kept me captivated as I eagerly immersed myself in the life of John George Mortimer and the other characters who work for or are associated with The Multima Corporation.

Whether I loved the characters or loved to dislike the characters, I feel as if I know each one personally just by the incredible descriptions successfully executed by the author. In fact on my vacation this year I actually spent time in St. Foy, Quebec which is the birthplace of my favorite character, Suzanne Simpson and I caught myself thinking "This is where Suzanne Simpson lived!"

If you are the kind of reader who loves intrigue, suspense, the incredible use of research and an amazing imagination you will love the continuing story about corporate life and the many influences that surround the success and failure of business and it's people.

I can't wait for the release of the next book. I need to find out what's going with these exciting characters and the overwhelming challenges they have to overcome to succeed. There is no doubt, that Gary D. McGugan can be counted on the write the kind of novels that are hard to put down until they are finished. I look forward to reading many more of his books in the future!


Heather - The Multima Scheme is a fast paced story, full of twists and turns. I really enjoyed this follow up to Three Weeks Less a Day. Although I’m not familiar with corporate business lingo the language used in the book was easy to follow. Read the whole book in one weekend, just couldn’t put it down!


Tracy - I really enjoyed The Multima Scheme. Found it grabbed my attention within the first few pages and kept it throughout the book. Loved the different characters, the different places the book took place and the suspense of it all. Can't wait for the next book.


Connie - Gary’s vast travel experience and his business experience have drawn his readers into his intriguing corporate world where they can get a real taste of different countries with different culture. Characters in the book are very well defined with various personalities, ambition and emotion. Their intertwine relationship, the politics in the business world and the interaction among the players all tied nicely into an interesting plot.

The twists/ turns and ups/downs make this 2nd book (following his first book of Three Weeks less a Day) even more enticing and once you start reading, it is impossible to put it down. I am looking forward to the next book and surely hope that Gary’s story may turn into a Hollywood script for a business suspense movie! 


Norm Goldman - Don't worry, you don't have to rush out and pick up a copy of Gary D. McGugan's debut novel, Three Weeks Less A Day before reading his second in the Multima series, The Multima Scheme.

McGugan crafts a pretty good follow-up and avoids falling into the trap of recreating the original plot, although he effectively builds on it. In the second novel, he chooses to develop his characters more fully and he includes more extensive theme progressions.

These themes involve human trafficking, the darker corners of organized crime and their penetration into corporate America, the development of technology as a means to cause havoc in our financial system, and the extent to which unsavory characters will stoop to gain power. Once again, the narrative focuses on Multima corporation and its three business units, Supermarkets, Financial Services, and Solutions, as well as their respective presidents, Suzanne Simpson, James Fitzgerald, and Douglas Whitfield.

We also learn the many secrets affecting the lives of each of these well-drawn characters. And there are some unusual surprises! There is also the matter of the CEO, John George Mortimer's cancer, which the prognosis does not look too encouraging.

Readers are briefly brought up to speed on what transpired in the previous novel when we learn more about Howard Knight, who is now in hiding. He was a director of Multima as well as president of Venture Capital Investments (VCI), which is part of organized crime. As he is no longer a director of Multima, VCI is determined to having him replaced by one of their own. Knight is in the bad books of VCI and is on the run due to his dreadful deal in purchasing the logistics division on behalf of The Organization. The result of the fiasco caused The Organization to lose a considerable amount of money. All of this was the result of being outsmarted by the CEO of Multima, the wily old fox, Mortimer.

By the way, Knight was also romantically involved with Fidelia Morales who helps him in his escape.

Another ramification of the disastrous deal was the disappearance of Wendal Randall, who had been the president of logistics and The Organization's choice to replace Mortimer. Under arrest by the FBI and they have managed to extract from him some fascinating information concerning Knight and VCI. They also have arrested a close associate of Randall, Frau Schäffer who turns out to be quite a surprise.

Mortimer appoints Douglas Whitfield at the new division of Multima Solutions. We read some astounding disclosures concerning Whitfield's activities as they relate to Multima. These involve its personnel, VCI, and some very chilling software that the division had developed, which would have profound effects on the banking system.

When Mortimer begins to dig deeper into the operations of VCI and how they are going about penetrating Multimea, he begins to suspect one of its employees, Janet Weissel as being a mole. She works in corporate and investor affairs, and Mortimer believes she is associated in some way to VCI and Howard Knight.

Neatly woven into the narrative is the relationship between Simpson and Mortimer and the shocking revelation that she is his daughter as a result of his week-end of passionate love-making in Québec City with her mother, Louise Marcotte. Simpson discovers that Multima has some connection with her mother and her estate and is adamant that Mortimer reveals all to her.

She also finds out that her mother, before her death, was receiving secret monthly payments to her bank account by a subsidiary of a company she managed. Also, Mortimer had granted to Simpson's mother preferred shares that eventually helped him in blocking Knight from replacing him with Randall.

And there is also the matter of the suspicious deaths of Simpson's mother and that of murder of the Notaire, who had been handling Marcotte's estate, as well as that of his wife and son. It seems that the Notaire and his son were sticking their noses into the machinations of VCI -something "The Organization" would not tolerate. The challenge that McGugan faces in creating this second novel is to stay true to the more significant plot-line of the series. There is also the added problem to create a sequel that would be complete enough that readers could just read the follow up without being lost.

It becomes a balancing act, which McGugan has admirably pulled off. He also has appreciated what it was about the first book that captivates his readership, and thus, he more fully develops these themes in The Multima Scheme.

Although, I must admit this second novel is quite busy, perhaps too busy, yet McGugan manages to give his readers something new. You have to realize that authors always take a risk when writing a sequel as very often readers end up disappointed. On the other hand, if you are lucky, they could love the sequel even more. In the case of The Multima Scheme readers will not be disappointed and I am certain will patiently wait to read the third one in the series, Unrelenting Peril


Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views - The Multima Scheme is the second book in Gary D. McGugan’s trilogy of corporate intrigue featuring the high-level executives of Multima Corporation. Picking up right where the first novel, Three Weeks Less a Day leaves off, readers are in for another wild ride as the corporate tides shift once again.

Breast cancer isn’t the only challenge facing billionaire CEO of Multima Corporation, John George Mortimer. Multima Corporation is in the throes of chaos. There’s a division president missing, and a board member on the run. Another division president loses a parent through mysterious means and Multima Corporation could be involved. There’s a new division president with something to prove and yet another just waiting for the chance to retire.

As John George battles his way back to personal health he’s also entangled in a fight for the very survival of the company he built from the ground up. Opposition faces him at every turn, and everyone’s involved, from the FBI to The Organization, a world-wide crime syndicate. Does Mortimer have another fight left in him? Does Multima Corporation? At this point I must commend author Gary D. McGugan on anther novel of pure excellence.

I keep an open mind when starting a series because there’s always the chance of the sequel not living up to the original. The Multima Scheme delivers on all counts.

As in Three Weeks Less a Day the writing is brilliant – short chapters and short paragraphs deliver a concise and crisp easy to read story that is well-written, fast-paced and intense. Indeed, McGugan outdoes himself, and does so with his signature eloquence and flair. Along with some new faces, many familiar personalities return. A few of the characters develop into leading roles, some drift over to the dark side (while a few stay there), and the lines on the corporate org chart are as ever-changing as the relationships.

One thing’s for certain – everyone is feeling the pressure. The storyline in The Multima Scheme probes deeper into the complex corporate environment, building on the original plotline and ratcheting up the intensity. While the level of action, suspense and drama is actually enough to fill several volumes, the story never feels too busy, rushed or complicated. The challenges are bigger, more bizarre and carry greater risks.

The story gets pretty dark in some moments as readers are delivered into the baser, corrupt side of human existence through technological destruction, collateral damage and financial ruin, and running the gamut from hot and steamy sexual encounters to cold and unfeeling rape, murder and human trafficking. Though I highly recommend reading this series in the order intended for maximum enjoyment, it’s not necessary, as The Multima Scheme is a strong standalone story. In case you can’t tell, I’m hooked on Gary D. McGugan’s work - the only downside is there is only one story left in the series!


Laurie Martin - Great Author, great books!!


TERRY - The Multima Scheme starts off where Three Weeks Less A Day left off, however it can be enjoyed on its own as well. However, I highly recommend reading both. I enjoyed this fast pace fictional business thriller that steers you through a story of corporate challenges intertwined with organized crime.

This novel further builds on the character development which naturally draws you in closer to their adventures and experiences. There are many unexpected surprises along the way leaving you thriving for more. Strap yourself in for a great roller coaster ride. Guaranteed to deliver.

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