What's Up?

Some of you have been wondering what I’ve been up to since release of Three Weeks Less a Day. Regular followers know that we had a surge of promotional activity immediately after publishing the novel, then some publicity and signings in Florida.

In Spring, I built some selling momentum around Mother’s and Father’s Day advertising. Next, I’ll be arranging some book signings and publicity for the autumn book selling season. I value your support to help spread the word about Three Weeks a Day. And, I particularly appreciate all who have made time to rate and review the book on Amazon, GoodReads, and other popular sites. Thank you!

Throughout these promotional activities, I’ve also been hard at work on a second novel! Many of you know I don’t like questions about a book while I’m writing, and I especially appreciate those who don’t ask “how’s it coming?” But I can share a bit.

Progress has picked up significantly since I’m back in Canada. Over the past sixty days, I’ve managed to expand the output to more than 235 pages and read, edited and improved the entire work twice. My target is to complete an acceptable first draft by early August. Then, I’ll be asking professional editors and a few ‘beta’ readers to review the manuscript. I’ll be looking for their critical impressions of the early work and, by September, I should have an idea how much additional work will be needed.

I can tell you this. I’m really enjoying the story so far. If you enjoyed reading Three Weeks Less a Day, I think you’ll love this new story even more!

Still untitled, my new novel involves a few characters working at Multima Corporation and several new ones. The story takes place across North, South and Central America. It will again be quick-paced -- with short chapters, short paragraphs and short sentences. There will be more action and more mystery. And, that’s all I’m willing to share right now!

Thanks again for all your help to make family and friends aware of Three Weeks Less a Day! I couldn’t do it without your support. If you haven’t yet ordered your personal copy, now is good time. It’s also a great time to remind your friends they’ll want to learn all about the fascinating characters of Multima Corporation before the new story is released early next year!