Every ‘Share’ Counts

To achieve commercial success with a novel, writing a great story may actually be the easier part!

New, unknown authors have a great challenge attracting the attention and support of traditional bookstores. Regardless the book quality and appeal of the tale, traditional outlets prefer to stock and sell works of proven performers. So, new arrivals, like Three Weeks Less a Day, rely almost entirely on the digital world to promote and sell our stories.

First, we count on our network of family, friends and business associates to help us spread the word and let people know about our books. You help that cause every time you ‘share’ a story like this and ask your friends to share it with theirs. If you add a personal note to a blog article or update, it carries even more importance with your friends. As the number of posts and shares multiply, many people eventually become aware of books like Three Weeks Less a Day.

Next, we have to let people know where they can buy a book if it’s not in stores. I like to use this link to my website where buyers can read a synopsis and choose from 3 popular online retailers who sell and stock the book.

Buyers can also link directly from this site to ebook retailers. With just a couple additional clicks, a buyer can be reading Three Weeks Less a Day within minutes of receiving your ‘share’!  Feel welcome to use this link anytime anyone asks you where they can buy a copy.

It also helps authors if you publicize your book purchase on Facebook or Instagram. You may have already seen some photos of buyers who show their purchase with a photo and comment to let their friends know. Authors appreciate every one!

Most important, some readers are understandably reluctant to invest their valuable time and hard-earned money unless they’re confident they’ll enjoy a story. If you read a novel like Three Weeks Less a Day, it really helps a new author if you let your friends know on social media and on the websites of book retailers. It’s free. You can rate books on a scale of 1-5 and leave a brief review that let’s others know your opinion.

I’ve used Three Weeks Less a Day as my example in this article, and I appreciate all the support I receive from my network. But, please keep this article in mind as you explore the works of all new authors. Every ‘share’ counts!