Thank You!
As another season promoting my novels ends, I thank each of you for your support during the past months. Your visits to Indigo and Chapters stores as I held events across Ontario have been tremendous. Many of you came to say hello, brought friends, and purchased books.
Others have shared my author event notices or promotional posts on Facebook, Instagram, X, or Threads. With six coming events in November, I’ll close 2024 with 59 author events since my return from Mexico City in April, and it’s been a rewarding adventure!
Without your support, it would be much harder for any author to succeed in a fiercely competitive business that publishes more than one million new book titles per year. So, I ask you to continue telling your friends about my stories.
Of course, you can let them know about the six coming events. That will help me close out the year with a bang. Here are the Indigo locations where I’ll hold events in November: Ajax, Peterborough, Cambridge, Newmarket, Stoney Creek, and Georgetown.
This link gives you all the dates and store details: https://www.garydmcguganbooks.com/pages/events
Another way you might help? Post reviews and let others know how much you enjoyed my stories. The most potent places to post are on the individual books’ pages on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Indigo websites. Another great place is Goodreads, where many readers check opinions before they decide on a title.
You’ll need to set up an account here https://www.goodreads.com/, but there is no fee nor obligation. Once you sign up, simply type in a book title and follow the prompts to give the novel a rating by number of stars, and a brief review of your impressions about the title. (Often, I leave reviews of only one or two sentences.)
My next newsletter post will come to you from The Azores, where I’ll recharge my body battery and creative inspiration. I’ll include a photo or two!
In the meantime, I can’t say it too often. Thank you for your outstanding support!