Now We Prepare for The Holidays

Now We Prepare for The Holidays

With Canadian Thanksgiving over for some of us, the retail world shifts to the annual December holiday season preparations.

 As a writer competing in that universe, I realize many readers find my novels potential gifts for family members and friends. And I thank you for choosing my titles among your holiday purchases.

 To be sure you’re not disappointed--or find out too late about some of my limitations around the holiday season--I’d like to share a few bits with you.

  1. You can always order any of my titles from Amazon, Indigo, Barnes & Noble and other book retailers and expect to receive your order within about a week.
  2. If you’re planning to gift my $55.95 (CDN each) 3-book box sets, please remember these are only available in Chapters or Indigo stores while I am there doing a promotion. Please click here for my event schedule for the rest of the year, and drop into your nearest location if you’d like to pick up a box set. (These can all carry my signature to add a special touch to your gift.)
  3. If you’re not near a Chapters or Indigo store, and would like to order a box set, please click here to order from me directly. ( Two important things to remember:
    1. The prices from my website are slightly higher as I pay the shipping costs and defray them by that extra charge.
    2. I will not be available to sign books for shipment after NOVEMBER 19, 2024. (I’ll be away working on my next project.)
  4. If you can’t visit a store when I’m in signing books, or if you’re not near a Chapters or Indigo location but would like to buy individual titles with my signature, please also use the link above and note that I’ll be away from November 19, 2024.

Thank you again for all your support during the coming holiday season and throughout the year. I value it!


